Monday, November 11, 2013

Day 11: T-Rex Attacks Horse and Rider!

Project for November 11, 2013

I had some help for this project as you can see. Thanks so much to Ali Alfonso for agreeing to be my stunt rider!  Don't worry, there were no dinosaurs, horses or dogs harmed during the filming of this clip.  I don't guarantee this for my stunt riders, there's always a risk of them being eaten, but everything else is fine.

We had a special case of a Tyrannosaurus Rex in the riding ring at the farm this afternoon and I had the good fortune of being able to film it while watching Ali and Peanut flee for their lives.  It was rather fun.

Of course when I approached Ali and asked if she'd be interested in being chased by a T-Rex, barbecued by a dragon, or smashed by a satellite, she thoughtfully considered for a moment and then said we should try the dinosaur and the satellite.  I'm glad we did the T-Rex first.  Being crushed by a satellite came with a few adverse effects.

Anyway, below is the link to the adventure.  I hope you enjoy!

Live Orange!

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