Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Day 21: "We'll Avenge it!" . . . Or not . . .

Project for November 21, 2014

It's hard to keep up with posting while on the road and at a funeral, as I have said, but I really want to post.

I woke up looking around m hotel room to see what I could find to actually do a project.  I came up with nada.  I didn't really want to do another movie poster, but I did want to not do a project before getting on the road at home.

And then I had it! I was looking through some things online when I found some Avenger logos.  I knew the hotel had bagels and I wondered if I could recreate it.

Using bagels, cream cheese, and grape jelly - a delicious and artistic combination - I attempted my Avengers masterpiece!

I hope you enjoy!

Live Orange!

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