Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Day 12: The Play's the Thing!

Project for November 12, 2013
This is a project that came as an idea from my friend and colleague Chrissy.  I told her how I saved most of the playbills and programs from the performances I attended and that I had them in a file.  She suggested that I make them into a scrapbook.
I wondered how to do that while keeping the nicer ones in book form, so I ended up with the following project in digital scrapbook form.  I took pictures of most of my programs and put them into an actual digital scrapbook, but it wasn't shareable with everyone and I wanted it to be visible from the blog.  There wasn't another way to share it with a lot of people, so I had to load it into the individual pages.  You can click on each individual page and it will expand so that you can read it. 
Be sure to read about some of my memories - especially the one during "Romeo and Juliet!" I hope you enjoy!

And Live Orange!

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